If you have ever wondered if chiropractic treatments can help your physical conditions or improve your quality of life, here are some things you need to know.
Chiropractic is the practice that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. Its healthcare perspective is holistic that encourages the body to heal itself. The practitioner usually manipulates the spine. This manual adjustment aids in reducing the pressure in neurological tissues. Chiropractors feel that if the spine is not in good alignment, the nervous system of the patient will suffer.
Undergoing a chiropractic examination is very much like any other medical professional. It will start with a recap of your medical history. Then the practitioner will perform a physical examination, giving careful attention to the spine. You may also expect lab work and/or x-rays.
During the appointment, you will be asked for details about your pains, including location, duration, and degree of discomfort. You may also discuss family history, what you do/did for a living, diet, and any psychological issues.
All of this is interrelated in order for the chiropractor to identify the issues, reduce the pain or discomfort, and improve the patient’s quality of health. The chiropractor may also make suggestions for more ergonomic ways to go about your daily activities, as well as exercise and eating habits.
The chiropractic adjustments are made manually by using hand pressure on joints, usually the spine. As the doctor moves the joints beyond its present range of motion, the area emits a click, which is easily heard. That is simply the release of gases compressed in the joint. This will allow the spine or joint to become more flexible and receive the nourishment necessary for good bone health.
After diagnosis, the chiropractor will suggest a treatment plan or referral to another medical professional. Frequently a combination of medical interventions between conventional medicine and chiropody has proven effective. All healthcare providers will communicate and work cooperatively to achieve the best results possible.
Chiropractic procedures have also proven effective during the rehabilitation process following medical treatments.
Treatment for the sciatic nerve is a common reason for patients to seek chiropractic assistance. The sciatic nerve runs across the buttock and down the back of the leg. Following accidents, many people have continuing sciatic pain, which can become disabling.
A non-invasive method of treating sciatica is through chiropractic treatments. The spine is manipulated to create adjustments in its alignment, along with massage and exercise therapies. People of all ages have benefited from this treatment regimen and it is generally found well tolerated, even for those with pre-existing conditions.
If you are suffering from sciatic pain and wonder if a chiropractic manipulation or adjustment can help relieve the discomfort, please feel free to call our office. One of our medical professionals will discuss your situation over the phone and will be happy to make an appointment for an evaluation. Our treatments have proven effective to provide a better quality of life.