Physiotherapy Helps Improve Quality Of Life

Physiotherapy Ottawa

Physiotherapy helps to deal with diseases, injury, and other disorders through physical methods. Physiotherapy focuses on physical problems and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and geriatric cases.

Motion Matters has a team of physiotherapists working with patients in Ottawa to ensure that your resume and maintain an active lifestyle both at home and at work. The Ottawa physiotherapists will assess movement or disease such as arthritis to help with regaining movement and protecting the joints.

Physiotherapists will have the following roles in helping with the treatment process:

  • Provide useful advice and reassurance with regard to remaining active and avoiding exercise-related injuries
  • Address any concerns and uncertainties
  • Create a program of specific exercises and
  • Instill confidence in the management of the ailment
  • Set your goals with the aim of keeping you as active as possible.
  • Offer pain relief treatments through heat and ice packs, massage, TENS machines, taping, acupuncture, and manipulation.
  • Provide splints and other walking aids to aid in moving and remaining independent.

Our team of Ottawa physiotherapists includes specialist trained in diagnosis and treatment of joint and muscle problems. A number of different treatment techniques can be used for different patients according to their injuries or disease condition.

Some of the common techniques include muscle stretching, joint mobilization (gentle gliding) techniques, Physiotherapy Instrument Mobilisation (PIM), neurodynamics, Minimal Energy Techniques (METs), joint manipulation, massage, and soft tissue techniques.

Sportsmen and athletes can get to work with Ottawa sports physiotherapists in gaining immense knowledge to aid in recovery after high activity sessions, improving performance and preventing injury.

Finally, the physiotherapist will assist you in getting the body in the best shape and set up while at work. People with desk jobs can benefit from ergonomics which emphasizes best postures to prevent injury. People doing menial jobs will learn the best lifting techniques and other skills that will be useful in preventing injury. Give the Motion Matters Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic a call and we will get to talk to you about your concerns, questions and other needs.